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(最近更新时间: 星期三 02 十月)

FishPal Report 1st October

Over the past couple of weeks catches of salmon have slowed across the river, a dropping water and persistent blustery winds has also meant a drop in angling pressure. Although reports of an odd fish or two have been trickling in from various beats up and down the river, no significant numbers have been landed. There doesn’t appear to be very many clean Autumn fish now coming into the system, but the river is holding a good stock of resident fish of all sizes and colorings, however as can occur at this time of year they can be off the take one day and back on it the next. The lower Don is currently seeing a lot of silvery finnock coming in and out with the tides, reports of some nice catches appearing with fish averaging 1lb.   

A rise of water on September 27th perked the fish up and got them on the move upstream again. Over the following few days, beats from Kildrummy on the upper reaches down to lower Parkhill reported fish landed. Some bigger residents come back on the take with the fresh cold water, and several were landed around the 15-18lb mark, these well rested fish can put up a fair battle as a few anglers found out. Perseverance is always a good trait for a salmon angler to have and this can be fully tested especially at this time of year. Switching up your tactics, depth, size of fly and retrieve speed can all help to produce a fish when the going gets tough. 

As we enter the final month of the salmon season the water has suddenly chilled down and a few overnight frosts has brought the first of the leaves onto the water. As other river systems close the Don can become busier throughout the last month so don’t leave it too late to book a day or two on the river.

Any catches or photos are always welcomed. Please forward onto [email protected]

Please note: Brown trout angling ceases on the 6th of October.  

Tight lines,

Martin Webster  


Helpful Information

Tackle Shops and Outfitters nearby.

Guides and Instructions on the river Don.

Where To Stay on the Don and the surrounding countryside. 

Where To Eat on the river Don.

Fishing Permits for the Don and its tributaries

If you would like to share any interesting stories or pictures from your time fishing on the River Don for the purposes of this report, please feel free to contact us, via email  [email protected]

Martin Webster 

If you would like to find out how FishPal can market your fishery please contact us.