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Stormont Angling Club

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Good numbers of salmon and sea trout are caught on the Stormont Angling Club’s beats every year. The Club have two beats on the River Almond and three beats on the River Tay (see Fishpal map for locations). Club rules and maps are issued with permits.

River Almond (Upper & Lower Almond Beats)

The Club’s two beats on the river are mainly double bank fishing with fly and spinning permitted throughout. The Almond is not a wide river and due to the tree lined banks, fishing can be challenging, yet rewarding. The banks in some areas are over grown, however if you are prepared to explore there are some cracking runs and little gems of pools to be found. The Almond is very much a spate river and any decent lift in water from July onward is likely to see fish heading upriver from the Tay. If the conditions are right some good catches can be made. Just up river from the top beats Upper Boundary lies Buchanty Spout and it is well worth a visit to watch salmon leaping the falls if fish are running.

River Tay (Muirton & Rome Croy Beats)

Both beats have access to the same fishing but from opposing banks. The Upper Boundary sits at the top of the tidal reach and fish enter the system more or less every day of the year. There is a good mix of streamy water, glides and pools to suit both fly and spinning (spinning is restricted to certain stretches of the beats). Fishing in earnest does not start on the clubs water until about the end of June onward. However, for those that are willing to persevere during the early months of the season, there is always the chance of connecting with one of those elusive Springers as they head upriver, towards the Isla, Ericht, Tummel, Gary and Loch Tay.The Tay is well known for its big fish and every year the club will see a number of 20lb fish amongst the returns and 30lbrs are not uncommon too. On the last day of the 2019 season two sea liced salmon, each around the 25lbs mark, were caught from Grainhead Stream on the Rome Croy beat. There are several very productive named pools/streams on the beats and although fish can be caught in most heights of water, mid to low water is preferred by many of the clubs members. If there are long periods of low river conditions from June/ July onward, salmon have a tendency to hold in the pools throughout the beats whilst waiting for sufficient water to push upriver, especially for those heading for the River Almond. Although lightly fished for, great sport can also be had fishing for sea trout from about mid May onward, especially in the evenings.

River Tay (Stanners Island & Willowgate Beat)

This picturesque stretch of water lies at the bottom of Perth High Street. Fishing is left bank only from the uppermost road bridge to approximately 200 metres below the railway bridge. Fly and spinning are permitted throughout the beat. In its heyday day the pool between the road bridges used to hold prolific numbers of salmon, especially after long summer drought conditions. Although nowadays fish tend to push through this part of the river, it is still worth a throw when the water is low. Every year a few fish still feature in the returns for this beat. The stretch from the railway bridge to the lower boundary used to be good for sea trout fishing at night but they are rarely fished for these days. Anglers fishing this beat should pay particular attention to the Tide Table for Perth to avoid be being cut off by the incoming tide in certain areas. Members also enjoy free trout and grayling fishing on all beats controlled by the Club.

2024 Fees/Permit Prices      

Club Joining Fee: £50  

Annual Subscription: Adult = £100   Youth (Under 19) = £50   Junior (Under 16) = £20

Permit Prices: Rome Croy = £200  Muirton = £150  Willowgate = £60  Almond = £40      (Youth Permit 50 % off full price)                                                                                                                                                



Atlantic salmon

Last 7 days: 0 (Largest: 0lbs)
'20 '21 '22 '23 '24 Avg '25
Jan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mar 0 1 0 0 0 0,2 0
Apr 0 0 1 0 0 0,2 0
May 0 1 11 2 0 2,8 0
Jun 6 13 2 5 7 6,6 0
Jul 41 16 33 23 14 25,4 0
Aug 91 70 36 38 60 59 0
Sep 70 50 35 34 57 49,2 0
Oct 41 27 29 18 28 28,6 0
Nov 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gesamt 249 178 147 120 166 172 0

Sea trout

Last 7 days: 0 (Largest: 0lbs)
'20 '21 '22 '23 '24 Avg '25
Jan 0 0 0 2 0 0,4 0
Feb 1 0 0 0 0 0,2 0
Mar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Apr 1 0 2 0 0 0,6 0
May 3 1 15 11 0 6 0
Jun 14 2 33 13 14 15,2 0
Jul 4 8 17 4 5 7,6 0
Aug 5 12 14 8 7 9,2 0
Sep 19 6 11 10 13 11,8 0
Oct 20 11 18 5 3 11,4 0
Nov 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gesamt 67 40 110 53 42 62,4 0

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