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This beat is fished by syndicate members. This fishery is divided into 2 beats for salmon and brown trout. The upper beat starts at the large Top Pool, which can be very productive even at high flows. Further downstream there is the Stepping Stones and Middle Run which are particularly nice fly water even at low water when grilse are around. Beat 2 starts at the Swan Neck, which nearly always holds fish and runs round to the Lily Pool. Anglers usually swap beats at lunchtime. Downstream there is a further Beat (3) which covers 1 mile of fishing but the water here is deeper and although it may hold good numbers of fish it is not easily fished by game fishing methods.

The Bladnoch is a spate river and thus fishes best for salmon after and during a rise of water. Dalreagle is known as good holding water for spring salmon and attracts anglers from when the season opens on February, although April/May are more productive. Summer salmon and first grilse are caught from early July. With suitable water August can be good for grilse. September and October are particularly productive months for salmon on the whole River Bladnoch. Salmon up to 16lb have been caught from this water. Dalreagle is well known for its large wild brown trout. This part of the river has produced wild trout up to 8lb (caught in 2006) as well as the 3-5lb brown trout that are regularly landed. Pike are also caught on these beats and can provide sport on the fly in the summer during low flows.

Fishing Methods

This water is suitable for all fishing methods! Fly water lies between the main pools, with the most productive salmon flies being Ally Shrimp and Silver Doctor. Spinning is suitable over most of the beat and the Top Pool can be spun even at high flows. The most productive salmon lures are Tobys (silver/blue) and Flying Cs (black). The worm can also be used for trout and salmon at certain times of year (only between 1st May and end of September).

1.2 miles
Max. Ruten/Genehmigungen

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