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Castle Douglas AA


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Castle Douglas Angling Association (CDAA) has over 5 miles of the middle reaches of the Urr, beginning at Step End and finishing at Grange Water. Pools that are particularly popular include Step End, Cauls, Davie Craig, Red Brae, Spottes Dam, Battery, Jeans and Grange Water.

There is a range of different types of water within the Association's stretch and methods used will depend upon the water height. Fly fishing upstream of Spottes Bridge is particularly well-liked. Downstream of this bridge, worming is permitted throughout the year on the CDAA stretch.

A map which details pool names and accepted methods is available with tickets.

The best flies to use for salmon are shrimps through the summer, particularly Ally's Shrimps. In the autumn it is the turn of the tube flies, with Willie Gun, Cascade, Ally's Shrimp and black flies, such as Stoat's Tail, all being successful. For sea trout, try Teal, Blue and Silver or the Dunkeld, Peter Ross and Butcher's.

5 miles
Max. Ruten/Genehmigungen

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