The Kemnay Angling Club beat is in the middle of the River nestled between the infamous beats of Monymusk and Fetternear Estates.
Consisting of 1.25 miles of South bank fishing and a 0.25 mile of North bank fishing. The beat runs upstream from the road bridge in Kemnay village adjacent to Fetternear Estate, as far as the Ton Burn and its march with the Monymusk beat, a few miles from the village of Monymusk.
The beat is fished very lightly compared to its neighbouring beats.
Catch records are collected at the end of the season so don't be put off by the lack of figures in the catch records each month.
There is tremendous variety of water in this beat, ranging from wide, fast flowing rapids to deep, slow pools and most variations in between. The beat holding a good number of salmon throughout the season due to the various pools, fast rushes and long deep glides present. It also does very well for sea trout from June onward. Wild brown trout are abundant in this part of the river with some large specimen trout of 5lb+ not uncommon. April and May are the best months to try for these brownies but they can be caught throughout the season with some skill.
The water is easily fished by wading or fished from the bank in higher water conditions. The vegetation is kept under control on the Kemnay beat which makes for easy casting and access throughout the beat.
There are 13 named salmon pools spread across the beat with Boatleys and the Bridge Pool being a great choice for spring salmon. With the Coffee Pot, Milton Rush and Milton Pot standing out as must try pools for salmon from late spring onward. The middle reach of the beat is traditionally where most success is to be had when fishing for wild brown trout, but as you will find they can be picked up across the entire beat. Standard flies for the Don work well.
Parking is available at the top and bottom of the beats and good access is provided throughout with several recently refurbished styles crossing livestock fencing.
Club membership is available to anglers resident in or within a 7 mile radius of the village of Kemnay, along with associate memberships for those living outwith this area. Adult, Senior, Disabled, Associate and Junior memberships are available.
Don District Fishery Board and River Don Brown Trout Improvement Association Conservation Codes must be adhered to at all times.
Nearby in the village of Kemnay a wide range of amenities are available: shops, cafe, golf club, pub, accommodation, restaurants.
Come and try this often overlooked Don beat, like so many other Don beats there is plenty of pleasant surprises for those willing to try some new water. No matter the level of experience, starter or seasoned pro can get something out of this beat with the variety of waters available.
Instagram: kemnay_angling_club