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Chipchase Castle


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Chipchase is classic fly water. Spinning is not permitted unless you are under 12 years of age. The wading on Chipchase is generally easy. Fishermen are advised to use wading sticks at all times and advise themselves of releases from Kielder.

There is usually a good Sea Trout run in June and July and salmon run through from April onwards with the later part of the year being busier.

Gillie’s top tip: There are 54 bench situated alongside the Upper and Lower Beats, 90 % of which point directly towards the best fishing spots.


Fished on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, not fished on Sundays.

Sandy Bay

Start fishing just off the bank at the head of the pool and slowly wade downstream. Take a wedge line out from the bank to the tail of the pool. 


A shallow run with fish lying in the middle of the stream. Easy wading, start in the middle and then wade diagonally back to the home bank.

Crow Pool

Fished from the bank, a short 20 yard run with fish lying in the middle or nearer in.

Lower Crow

Start at the white post and walk 2m from the bank down to the steps. Quite a tricky wade with the fish predominately found in the middle of the run. 


Stay on the dressed stone walkway and fish down a step at a time from start to end. You can fish down into the neck for a few yards. Do not fish if water is coming across the top of the walkway.

Top Straits

Get in by the white stick and wade down parallel to bank about 3 yards for about 50 yards downstream until slack water. The fish lie along the middle of the stream.

Bottom Straits - Croy 1 

Enter pool at white stick, wade in a couple of yards and fish down to small Croy. Then fish from end of Croy. A good glide at the right height, fish lying in the middle and nearer in.

Croy 2

Wade 10m upstream from Croy 2 and fish diagonally back towards Croy 2. A short pool measuring around 20m which is fished best on a low to medium water only. 

Top of Catherine's

Enter the river by the white mark and via the hand rail and then go in about 3 yards and wade down about 80 yards. A good long pool, with fish lying in the middle and taking in the head and in the tail.

Middle Catherine's 

Best fished in higher water conditions from either the bank or wading downstream close to the bank. 

Tail of Catherine's

Always fish from the bank. A nice steady glide. The fish lie in a very narrow area opposite the seat (Ghillies favourite). Below the fishing hut the water on the Chipchase side should not be fished and the hut marks the end of this part of the beat.


Start fishing just below the white marker gauge and follow the edge of the gravel gong no more than 2m beyond the end of the gravel. Do not wade above wellie height depth. Best fished on lower water conditions. 


Mill Stream

White paint signs mark the access. A very narrow stream with quite fast water requiring only a smaller rod. Some deep pools best fished from the bank. The whole wade covers 130 yards and is a heavenly spot that should be fished carefully.

Little Island

The head of the pool is fast. Wade up the back channel then fish down on the other side of the island, wading down for about 80 yards. Fish lie in the middle and either side. The seat marks a good taking spot opposite.

Lower Little Island 

Get in the water at the end of the little island beside the white water gauge marker and wade 2m out from the bank for approximately 60m.

Upper Martigan

Wade out into the middle of the run and fish tight up against the opposite bank. Slowly wade back in towards the white gate post. 


A steady glide, fish almost anywhere. Enter the pool at the white stone, wade in a few feet and then fish down parallel to the bank for 90 yards. Best in high water.

Strother Croy

Fish along the croy casting downstream and moving out a step at a time. Lovely glide.

New Croy

Get in the water at the white stake, wade into the middle of the run and take a wading line to the end of the Croy. Stay on the Croy and fish from it before returning to the bank via the Croy. 


Wade into the water out from the top bank and fish towards the far bank. An easy wade with fish laying predominately below the far bank and the tail of the Glide's run off.

Wind Pool 

Enter the river at the white post, wade out to middle of the run and carry on wading for around 60m then return to the bank.

Ash Tree

Two short fast runs, stay close to the bank.

Lower Ash Tree 

Wade slightly out from the new bench and slowly head back towards the bank. Only a short pool of about 30m. 

Bottom Salmon Pool

Not a high water pool, otherwise good in most conditions. Wade out a couple of yards and fish downstream - or can be fished from the bank. Fish take almost anywhere. No fishing below this pool - this is the boundary to Chipchase Fishing which starts again on the Riverhill beat (let separately).

Chipchase is classic fly water. Spinning is not permitted unless you are under 12 years of age. The wading on Chipchase is generally easy. Fishermen are advised to use wading sticks at all times and advise themselves of releases from Kielder.

There is usually a good Sea Trout run in June and July and salmon run through from April onwards with the later part of the year being busier.

Gillie’s top tip: There are 54 bench situated alongside the Upper and Lower Beats, 90 % of which point towards the best fishing pools.

Max. Ruten/Genehmigungen


Atlantic salmon

Last 7 days: 0 (Largest: 0lbs)
'20 '21 '22 '23 '24 Avg '25
Jan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Apr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
May 0 0 2 0 1 0,6 0
Jun 3 4 2 3 7 3,8 0
Jul 19 10 4 9 15 11,4 0
Aug 21 8 6 24 27 17,2 0
Sep 39 18 21 31 51 32 0
Oct 37 40 55 31 42 41 0
Nov 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gesamt 119 80 90 98 143 106 0

Sea trout

Last 7 days: 0 (Largest: 0lbs)
'20 '21 '22 '23 '24 Avg '25
Jan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Apr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
May 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jun 4 0 8 7 5 4,8 0
Jul 55 18 20 64 32 37,8 0
Aug 30 12 36 46 29 30,6 0
Sep 20 9 38 18 21 21,2 0
Oct 10 23 41 9 4 17,4 0
Nov 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gesamt 119 62 143 144 91 111,8 0

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