Murthly Fishings: Top, Stenton and Lower Beats Letting Conditions 2024
Manner of Fishing
1. All rods shall fish in a responsible and sportsmanlike manner. The use of natural bait is forbidden at all times.
2. The instructions of the ghillie shall be adhered to at all times, and boats may not be used for fishing by guests without the supervision of a ghillie. No interchanging of rods during the day is permitted.
3. All foul-hooked fish shall be returned to the river unharmed if possible.
4. Salmon and sea trout parr, gravid fish and kelts should be returned to the river.
5. Catch and release; Rods are requested to adhere to the Regulations as stipulated by the District Fishery Board.
6. No shooting of any kind is permitted.
7. Any dog(s) brought by a member must be kept under strict control and must not cause annoyance or interference to other fishermen.
8. Cars must be parked in such a way as to avoid obstruction to others.
9. Rods shall respect at all times the property of others. Murthly Fishings - Letting Conditions
10. The Scottish Outdoor Access Code shall be observed at all times and no fires shall be lit and no litter shall be left in or around the fishing huts or on the river banks.
11. Any rod who causes damage or becomes aware of damage, however caused, to any of the property will inform the boatmen immediately and thereafter the Factor as soon as possible.
12. Any rod observing any disturbances or foul play on the part of other rods shall report the same immediately to the boatmen, who shall be entitled to ask any rod to withdraw from the river in the event of any breach of the rules or Bye Laws. Any rod may also report any such infringement to the Factor.
13 Traditionally fishing has commenced at 9.30 am and finished at 5.00 pm. Any fishing outwith these times is at the ghillies discretion.
Payment of Rent Etc and cancellation
14. Paid through Fishtay Website / directly to Bidwells.
15 If cancellation is made due to adverse weather or conditions by the Estate within 48 hours of the fishing event rods will be eligible to receive a 50% refund. For all other cancellations made by the Estate or the rods there is no refund available but will endeavour to transfer the booking to a more suitable date if possible.
16. All rods and any other visitors to the fishings shall attend a safety briefing by the ghillie as soon as possible after their arrival at the beat, and shall sign the register to confirm they have received that briefing before any fishing takes place or before visitors leave the vicinity of the fishing hut.
17. Ghillies are obliged to wear lifejackets whilst wading or in a boat. It is also recommended that they wear protective eye glasses and a cap when fishing. Rods are strongly advised in the interests of their own safety to take the same precautions, and to use wading sticks when appropriate. Furthermore, no rod may use a boat unless wearing a lifejacket and being accompanied by a ghillie. Rods should familiarise themselves with the plan of the river in the fishing hut, and with the safety diagrams on action to deal with water-logged waders etc. lifejacket are available from the ghillie if rods do not have their own, and rods are strongly encouraged to use them.
18. Rods may only fish after 5 p.m. with the agreement of the ghillie. Rods are strongly advised to make arrangements to remain in contact with each other and to summon help if necessary.
19. Fishing under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants is dangerous and therefore not permitted. If the ghillie believes that any rod is so intoxicated as not to be able to fish safely, he will require the rod to stop fishing.
20. The ghillies carry mobile phones and full details of emergency arrangements, including contact details, are displayed in the fishing huts.
General Matters
21. Every effort has been made for security of rods' equipment whilst on Murthly Beats. However, no liability can be accepted by the Fishings for any damage howsoever caused. Rods are advised to insure their equipment appropriately.
22. Any problems or difficulties arising out of the let of the fishings whether of the ghillies, the river bank or otherwise should be addressed immediately to the Estate Factors.