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River levels

Click on the station name for graphs of recent levels

The heights shown are those above normal summer lows and use data collected from the relevant agency's website every hour.

Please note that these figures are not guaranteed. Anyone wishing to make important decisions based on river heights should check directly with the agency concerned.

To get levels emailed to you every day, use the Email alerts button in the header.

站名 河流高度 地位 最近更新时间
卡布拉赫的德弗隆 0 ft 5 in 稳定的 21st 1月 25 - 3:45 PM
亨特利的德弗隆 0 ft 9 in 稳定的 21st 1月 25 - 3:45 PM
德弗隆在阿沃奇 0 ft 10 in 稳定的 21st 1月 25 - 3:45 PM
穆雷斯克的德弗隆 1 ft 8 in 稳定的 21st 1月 25 - 5:30 PM
格兰奇岛 5 ft 8 in 稳定的 21st 1月 25 - 4:30 PM
