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Top Beat
Please note the DDAC fishing’s are tidal. Anglers should make themselves aware of tide times and heights. The river Conon has hydro generation, and the river heights can fluctuate. Anglers should familiarize themselves with the club rules and maps prior to fishing. There are 7 named pools
Lower Beat
The Lower Estuary Beat is strictly fly only for Seatrout and the conservation policy of the CFFB must be adhered to. For the determined Seatrout angler the Lower Estuary Beat can be very productive, the best times are June and July when the Seatrout are still feeding in the Estuary on shrimps and sand eels, warm days with a west wind is preferred, numerous finnock can be caught anywhere with good Seatrout up to 3lbs a possibility, these fresh fish are fighting fit and give great sport.
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