Tackle advice
When fly-fishing on the Eden there is no real requirement for huge double handed rods. Rods in the 13ft - 15ft range will cover most eventualities in the lower to middle river. In general floating lines with a variety of tips will cover most of the river.
Fishing is all about confidence so choose flies with which you feel comfortable. Size is the most important matter when considering what pattern to use, with colour running at a close second. In general if the water is warm and lowish a smaller fly will be best and when the water is running a bit higher or colder consider larger flies. If there is a bit of stain in the water a pattern with a bit of brightness about it will probably out fish a more sombre one. Popular patterns in the area at the moment are the Ally's Shrimp (and all of its variants), Copper Bodied Red Ally, Cascade, Stoats Tails and various tubes such as Gold Wille Gunn, Temple Dogs etc.
During the summer months and early autumn most anglers that spin do best on Tobys and Flying Cs. As the water cools down towards the end of the season the Devon Minnow comes into its own with Black and Red, Black and Gold and the Pink Lady being particular favourites in either sinking or floating formats.
Brown Trout & Grayling
Lighter rods around 9ft, rated for a 5wt line are best suited to most of the brown trout and grayling fishing on the river. There is little need for anything other than a full floating.
In the spring flies such as Greenwells, Coachman and Kites Imperial will catch large brownies feeding on the prodigious hatches. Come summer such things as Silver Sedge and Tups can imitate the large hatches of sedge and smaller olives.
The river holds a population of very large brownies and whilst these can be caught on the surface in the spring by summer they feed almost entirely on fish (minnows in the main) and can be caught on sculpin patterns. During autumn and winter, when fishing for grayling, small spider patterns, Czech nymphs GRH and grayling bugs should replace other flies in your tackle box.
Spring Salmon Tackle outfit
Double handed rod between 14 and 16 feet, floaters with various density tips and wet cell 2 type lines, flies- 2-3 inch tubes/Waddington’s and size 6-10 doubles.
Summer Tackle outfit
A seven or eight weight rod with floating line plus sink-tips, flies are generally on the small size 16-12 at this time of year for both salmon and sea trout.
Autumn Tackle outfit
14-15-foot rods 9-11 are ideal; flies to cover most situations size 8-12 (Munro killer, Willie Gunn, Boyo, Alley shrimp, Silver Stoat and 1.5" - 2" inch tubes and Waddington’s), lines required, intermediates and floaters with sink tips.
Selection of flies
Hiring/buying Tackle
Visiting and local anglers are able to purchase tackle from local tackle shops and mail order outlets.
Tackle Fishing Guiding
Cumbria Fly Fishing headed by Glynn Freeman is the expert service that you need for Cumbria and beyond.
Glynn Offers Lesson, guiding and also fishing from salmon-trout-seatrout and also coastal sea fishing.
For further details please Click Here
Glyn with a typical Eden spring salmon.