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River levels

Click on the station name for graphs of recent levels

The heights shown are those above normal summer lows and use data collected from the relevant agency's website every hour.

Please note that these figures are not guaranteed. Anyone wishing to make important decisions based on river heights should check directly with the agency concerned.

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Station name River height Status Last Updated
Borgie at Borgie Bridge 1 ft 7 in Steady 15th Feb 25 - 6:30 AM
Naver at Apigill - 1 ft 0 in Steady 15th Feb 25 - 7:15 AM
Helmsdale at Kilphedir 0 ft 3 in Steady 15th Feb 25 - 7:15 AM
Thurso at Halkirk 0 ft 11 in Steady 15th Feb 25 - 7:15 AM
Halladale at Craigtown 0 ft 3 in Falling 15th Feb 25 - 7:15 AM
Strathy at Strathy Bridge 0 ft 4 in Steady 15th Feb 25 - 7:15 AM
The heights shown are those above normal summer lows and use data collected hourly from the relevant agency's website.

Please note that these figures are not guaranteed. Anyone wishing to make important decisions based on river heights should check directly with the agency concerned.


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