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Have some knowledge of fishing?

Try our advice pages below. If not, go to our 'New to fishing' section

Where to fish

This depends not only on what you want to fish for, but also where you are, how far you wish to travel and how much money you want to spend. See:

Where to Fish

When to fish

Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter. See:

When to Fish

Where to stay

Advice on types of accommodation and what to look out for. See:

Where to Stay

Tackle to bring

Advice on Rods, reels, lines, flies, lures etc. See:

Tackle to Bring

New to fishing?

Help for you is here:

New to salmon

How do I organise a day's fishing? What does a ghillie do? What is involved in a day's fishing? I don't have any fishing tackle - what should I do? What happens if the river floods or I have to cancel my fishing? See:

New to Salmon

New to other types of fishing

We also have help for you on trout, coarse and sea fishing. See:


Want to buy someone a days fishing, but still not sure where or when? Buy a voucher instead and we can advise on how best to use it. See:
