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Where to fish


Scotland: More variety of all year round fishing than any other country, much of it world class and some of it excellent value for money.

England: Some of the most varied fishing to be found anywhere! From dry fly fishing on chalkstreams to wild brown trout in moorland streams. Salmon and sea trout in many rivers, carp and coarse fishing in hundereds of venues and sea fishing all round the 2000 miles of coast

Wales: Salmon fishing and some of the best sea trout fishing in Britain, truly wild brown trout fishing, carp & coarse fishing in hundreds of waters and sea fishing for a myriad of different species

Ireland: Salmon & trout fishing with some world class coarse fishing. Good scenery and friendly people

Iceland: Many small rivers, some catching large numbers of small to medium salmon. Also some good trout & sea fishing. Fantastic scenery and geology. Not cheap. More details


Economical: There is high quality fishing to be found in many locations at often surprisingly low charges. Coarse and trout fishing for a few pounds a day and salmon fishing starting from as little as £20 per day

Mid range: Fisheries offering specimen fish often charge a premium to fish for these larger fish and this is reflected in the lower number of anglers allowed to fish the waters. There is plenty of salmon fishing to be found in the range ££50 - £200 per day

High end: At prime time on many rivers the really best fishing can run to many hundreds of pounds a day, whether this be for trout in Mayfly season on the Test and Itchen, or salmon during the summer in Iceland and Russia, or during the autumn in Scotland.

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Salmon: For numbers go to Iceland or Russia, for size try Norway. For Spring and autumn fishing and sheer variety of fishing go to UK.

Sea Trout: Sea trout are caught in numbers on many rivers throught the UK and Ireland, with some of the best fishing to be found in Wales

Trout: For truly trout fishing go to the mountains of Sccotland and Wales and the moorlands of Yorkshire and the south west of England. Not forgetting the chalkstreams of England for clasic dry fly fishing

Coarse: Most of the coarse fishing takes place in England but there are a burgeoning amount of fisheries opening up elsewhere. There is some truly outstanding coarse fishing to be had in Ireland.

Sea: For variety the coasts of the UK and Ireland are hard to beat. For numbers and specimen sized fish the deep waters around Iceland and Norway offer fantastic fishing opportunities.s