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Most disabilities do not prevent people from fishing. There are aids and equipment that enable even the most severely disabled person to participate very successfully

Of course, barriers do exist and these chiefly arise from the difficulties of physically accessing the water, such as loch, lake or river. However, a wide variety of accessible game and coarse fishing is available and the situation continually improves as more and more fishery managers and riparian owners accommodate the needs of disabled anglers.

Piers and jetties can provide accessible shore (sea) fishing while some charter boats have wheelchair access.

There are a number of organisations that promote angling for disabled people and encourage fisheries to provide suitable access and facilities.


Disabled anglers with mobility limitations will experience the greatest difficulties with access. The nature of the environment means that many rivers, lakes and lochs are out of bounds. However, the disabled angler can do a lot to improve his ability to reach the water. Off-road and all-terrain wheelchairs and scooters are becoming increasingly popular and provide their users with a remarkable degree of performance over rough ground.

Fisheries also need to consider providing access to the water for disabled anglers, especially as the Disability Discrimination Act is now fully in force. 'Service providers' (which include commercial fisheries and clubs open to all) are now compelled to 'alter, adapt or remove' physical barriers to access. They have two options - improve bank access, for example by installing level paths and fishing platforms, or provide an accessible boat, such as the Wheelyboat. The advantage of the Wheelyboat is that it provides access to the entire water with only one access point needed on the bank.

However, anglers' needs vary and it is a good idea to contact the fishery first. Making your own enquiries can often produce positive results. Some fisheries may not have specific facilities but nonetheless will be able to cater for your particular needs.

Getting Started

There are useful pages on this website for novice anglers and the information they contain applies equally to novice disabled anglers. The best advice is to always seek professional instruction if you are a newcomer and all good fisheries will be able to recommend the services of a qualified instructor.

If you believe you need specialised equipment, contact the organisations below. Otherwise locate an accessible fishery in your chosen discipline, book a lesson and enjoy the start of an absorbing, challenging, fascinating and exciting pastime!

Aids and equipment

These can range from a simple extension to a landing net to reach the water to hand-built specialist aids for amputees. Much of the equipment that will help disabled anglers can be bought off the shelf. For example, longer than standard rods may be beneficial where fishing from a high bank is the only option, or shorter and lighter rods will help people with arthritis, poor grip or weakness in the arm. Also, rods can be built with custom handles to aid poor grip. A lever wind reel (the Vivarelli) can also be advantageous

Athough disabled anglers will often be able to adapt tackle to suit their own needs, specialist aids, such as those built by Robert Gibson Bevan, are available. Robert builds equipment that enables anglers to fish independently with the use of only one arm. The British Disabled Angling Association produces a booklet of similarly specialised equipment.

Organisations that can help

Scottish Disabled Fly Fishing Association The SDFFA can be contacted for advice on any aspect of angling for the disabled. Although the name suggests 'game' angling they also work closely with Scottish coarse and sea angling associations. Contact John Brice on 01475 568607 or email [email protected]

Wheelyboat trust. The national charity that promotes and supplies the wheelchair accessible fishing boat, the Wheelyboat. Wheelyboats provide disabled anglers with hassle-free and independent access to waters large and small.

British Disabled Angling Association Promotes the cause of coarse, sea and game fishing for disabled people in the UK. Coaching - specialised equipment - platforms - access - help and support.

Robert Gibson Bevan Designs and manufactures aids to assist anglers with arm and hand disabilities. Tel: 01673 858387