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Tingvoll Lodge


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The river

Verdal River, with its tributaries Inna and Helgåa, is regarded as an underrated river among knowledgeable anglers in Norway. It offers around 35km (20 miles) of quality fishing and bears many similarities with rivers in Scotland.

The river is a part of the huge Trondheim-fjord basin and is among approximately 20 rivers that will benefit hugely from the delayed bag-net-fishing start and the Trondheim fjord buy-out of bag-net-fishing in the huge fjord and nearby coastal areas.

The Verdal River, like most rivers in the Central Norway region, is known for its big salmon and usually a good number of 12-16kg (25-35lbs) salmon are caught during the short season culminating with the 19.5 kilos (43 lb) caught in 2008. June is normally the right time to tangle with the BIG ones - coming fresh in from the Trondheim fjord.

There are normally good runs of medium size salmon and grilse during July and well into August. During the last decade, good river management by fishing-right owners and the local Angling association has been vital in maintaining acceptable stocks of salmon and the river now features among the 12-15 best rivers in Norway.

The fishing

Tingvoll Lodge has approximately 2 kilometres double bank fishing on the main river string just below the Vuku village. It has over the years been one of the best beats on the river with around 80-90 salmon each season. The 'Home pool' area has both some beautiful fly fishing stretches as well as very good holding pools - securing available salmon throughout the season.

Due to very good co-operation with two other beat owners, the 4 guests (rods) staying at the Tingvoll Lodge have the opportunity to fish these beats during one week's fishing. During a normal season, the total catches of these three beats are in the region of 240 - 280 salmon and the average weight is around 4.5kg (10lbs).

The accommodation

Tingvoll Lodge is a rebuilt and extended farm barn - typical for the area. The interior walls and ceiling are covered with broad timber planks/boards to create a traditional Norwegian house atmosphere. The lodge contains 4 bedrooms with twin beds and bunks (usable as single as well as twin room), 2 bathrooms/toilet areas, spacious sauna, combined (open solution) lounge/sitting group, dining area and kitchenette. It is all very stylish and professionally done by the owner of the farm, John.

During the first part of the season, June/July, the arrangement is normally full board accommodation and this changes to the latter part of the season to half board or self catering arrangement. The lodge is situated 40 metres from the Home pool and the whole Tingvoll fishing stretch is within walking distance.

Please note that when fishing in Norway, the fishing is booked for Monday to Saturday, however the price paid includes accommodation from the Sunday prior to fishing to the Sunday after fishing.

Fact file

  • Tackle box: Fly rods should be 14-16 feet with action to suit #10, 11 or 12 lines.
  • Lines: Normally intermediate or floating with sink tips to suit the water levels when necessary.
  • Flies: Medium and larger sizes early season. Any preferred selection.
  • Other equipment: Chest waders with felt soles, life jacket and wading stick recommended.
  • Guides: Normally 1 guide per 4 rods.
  • Catch statistics: On request.
  • Facilities: Drying area (balcony), freezer, packing of fish for air transport, local smoking.
  • For non-anglers: Good opportunities for non-fishing partners or friends: hiking in great farmed landscape, visit rock carvings, visit Stiklestad National Culture Centre, art exhibitions, shopping in Verdal town centre or the city of Trondheim.
  • Transport: Tingvoll Lodge is approx. 60 minutes drive from Trondheim Airport and the flight times from UK airports are normally around 2 hours to Trondheim Airport. Norwegian has a direct flight on Sundays from Stansted Airport til Trondheim.


2 Db
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Sea trout

Atlantic salmon

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