Stevie Munn is from County Antrim. He first started fly fishing at 7 years of age when his father George Munn, who was a fanatical and tremendous fly fisher, started teaching him how to cast and pursue trout and salmon on rivers and loughs. He has been a professional guide in many countries for trout and salmon, and also for grayling in Norway. That said, he will fish for any fish that will take a fly and loves the rich history of fly fishing and angling. In his mid-20s he began working in the angling sector at game and country fairs throughout UK and Ireland, giving him the opportunity to fish many new rivers in England, Scotland and Wales. Stevie is now an ambassador and designer with Cadence Fly Rods, working with his old friend Ian Gordon. He regularly gives fly tying and fly casting demonstrations and is an APGAI master casting instructor. Stevie is enthusiastic about conservation and was a founder member of The Lough Neagh Dollaghan Trust, and a member of the NSN conservation group, which lobbied the Irish and Northern Irish Governments on drift netting.
Favourite fish to catch:
Trout on dry flies. The eyes have gone so fishing mostly by smell - thank God for varifocals!
Favourite fishery in Britain:
So many good memories from a lot of places and would like to return too many…
Bucket list destination:
I have been lucky and fished a lot of places, but i would have loved to try New Zealand. That said, I’d probably stay in Ireland for a 10lb brownie on the dry on Sheelin.