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Would you like to improve your casting skills this Summer on the River Tweed in the Scottish Borders and fish for salmon.

Scott Povey, Fishery Manager of Lower Pavilion will be hosting a series of three day courses on his beat during August.

Whether you are new to fishing or an experienced angler looking to improve their technique this three day course will give you the information you need for a successful days salmon fishing.

The three day course will cover the following:
A selection of casts covering different conditions.
How to read the river.
Wading tactics.
Fishing tackle and what flies to use.
Fishing Etiquette.
Safety planning.

Casting tuition will be one to one and group sessions.

Dates available:
Monday August 8th until Wednesday August 10th - Full

Thursday August 11th until Saturday August 13th - 2 places
Monday 22nd August until Wednesday August 24th - Full
Thursday August 25th until Saturday August 27th - Full 
There is a maximum of four places available on each course.
Price is £360 per person and includes tuition, fishing and lunch on each day.
Equipment is available if required.

Lower Pavilion Beat

Situated between, on the South bank, the historic abbey town of Melrose and to the North the village of Gattonside, Lower Pavilion offers double bank salmon fishing of over two miles in a stunning location with panoramic views of the Eildon Hills. Access is directly to the beat from the village of Gattonside, and access around the individual fishing beats and pools is possible by vehicle, or on foot. At the centre of the beat is the famous and often featured suspension footbridge, built in 1826.

The beat has a well appointed fishing hut with both female and male toilets. There is a large decked area for outdoor eating and plenty of parking.

Scott Povey

Scott is the Tweed representative for SAGE, VISION, REDINGTON and RIO. Tackle and fishing lines will be tackle available to test and use.

To book please visit FishPal