Instruction and guiding
From beat ghillies
The ghillies on each beat are always happy to help their guests with casting. Of course, they have other guests and duties to attend to during the day, so their time is limited. Always check with the ghillie beforehand to see what the situation is.
pre-visit Courses outside the area
If you are new to fly fishing for salmon, it is a good idea to consider taking lessons in advance of traveling to the Dee, so you can take full advantage of your fishing holiday.
SGAIC Instructors
AAPGAI Instructors
Third party instruction on beat
Some anglers will wish to take a private instructor/ guide with them to provide individual support and tuition.
It is essential if you wish to take an instructor/guide to your beat, to clear this with your ghillie in advance. The ghillie may be able to offer recommendations. This will also avoid any misunderstandings. If you are unsure get in touch with me Email Us
Recommended Instructors
Nicol Paton Fly Fishing
Nicol has been involved with training, development and sports coaching across different disciplines and industries to a very high standard for over 17 years and holds his Scottish Game Anglers Instructor Certificate for double handed rods, along with numerous other teaching and coaching qualifications. His main focus is making sure his clients have the best experience possible by providing a very high level of service. Nicol is also a ghillie on the lower River Dee.
Contact +44 (0) 7833671743
Gary Scott
Gary is recognised as one of the finest fly casters in the world today with global experience in all aspects of game angling. Double-handed Spey casting and single-handed casting can be taught to the highest standards. Contact Gary Scott.
Recommended Instructors
TwinPeakes Fly Fishing
Looking for an unforgettable fly fishing experience in Scotland? Look no further than TwinPeakes Fly Fishing!
The leading provider of guided fly fishing experiences for both local and visiting anglers, offering opportunities to catch Atlantic Salmon, Sea Trout and Wild Brown Trout on some of Scotland's most iconic rivers.
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, we have something to offer you.
Our dedicated fly fishing school and tackle shop provide the perfect environment to learn casting techniques and select the right equipment for your fishing needs.
Our professional team of guides and certified casting instructors, will help you build on your skills and improve your time on the water.
We offer fly fishing on the River Dee, River Feugh, River Don, and River Deveron, so you can choose the river that suits your interests and preferences.
Our range of experiences include salmon fishing experiences, trout fishing experiences (both stillwater and river), group fly fishing experiences, corporate events, and stag/hen parties.
For more info visit
Graeme Simpson
Graeme is the ghillie at Birse. He holds the Masters level AAPGAI accreditation for double handed casting and the Advanced accreditation in single handed. He is one of the best in the business. Find out more on his website Get Your Pull.
Craig McDonald
Craig is one of the Glen Tanar ghillies and works at Waterside & Ferrar in the spring and Heandinch & Cambus O May in summer. He is SGAIC qualified to teach double handed fly casting.
Craig also offers private tuition.
mob +44 7786067222
email: Email Us