Inverness Angling Club
Please note that all salmon and grilse caught on a day ticket must be released. All sea trout 10” long and under must also be released.
Salmon and grilse run the River Ness throughout the year so there is always the chance of a fish for the dedicated angler — from opening day on February 1, when the big springers are running to the rivers Moriston, Oich and Garry, to the end of the season on October 15. Catches of salmon and grilse increase from June onwards as the summer runs enter the river.
The Conservation of Salmon (Annual Close Times and Catch and Release) (Scotland) Regulations 2014 prohibits the retention of any rod caught salmon from the start of the season until 31st March. In addition, it has been agreed that throughout the River Ness (to further protect spring fish) no salmon may be retained from 1st April until 30th June. Anglers must practise catch and release during these periods.
From 1st July to the end of the season on 15th October all hen fish of any size and any cock fish over 8 pounds (27inches/69cm) must be released. All coloured and unseasonable fish must also be released.
It is illegal to sell rod caught salmon in Scotland.
Day ticket fees 2025
1st February to 31st May, £25 per day,
1st June to 15th October, £35 per day,.
Juniors (17 and under) £10 per day all season.
Visiting anglers seeking a week's fishing can apply for associate membership at £110 (the same price as the former weekly permit). This enables visitors to fish at any time during the season. See the web site for application detail.
The beats offer around three miles of salmon and sea trout fishing on 16 wide, streamy pools which are especially attractive for fly fishing. Most of the beats are easy to fish and can provide excellent fishing for both novices and experts. Wading is relatively comfortable in most pools, some of which will require the use of chest waders. 15 foot and 16 foot rods are popular but, with modern rods and lines, anglers are increasingly using rods of 12 to 14 feet. Shrimp flies work well along with the traditional Stoat's Tail, Hairy Mary, Munro Killer and Blue Charm in doubles, sizes 6 to 12.
As an association water, there will always be other anglers enjoying the fishings and locals will be happy to help with tips on appropriate flies and lures. Fishing with the worm is only permitted between 1st July and 30th September. All visitors to the club waters need to make themselves fully conversant with the rules relating to the order of fishing detailed in the club website below. The club also ask that all visitors submit a catch report within 24 hours of the catch via the club website.