The Wrack Fishings is the first beat on the river Deveron, and comprises of 3 miles of double banked fishing for Salmon, Sea-Trout and Trout. The beat runs from the estuary, to the Bridge of Alvah.
There is a main fishing hut where tackle can be securely kept and two further huts on the bank for use during the day. The beat is split into upper / lower sections, with up to 3 rods fishing each beat at any time. The are 3 boats are available to access both banks at various locations and a full time Ghillie is at the ready to help you on the beat.
As the beat is the lowest on the river, so alot of the fish that are caught are fresh off the tide. Sea trout fishing can be really excellent through the months of May - July when conditions suit.
8 Named pools one of which is tidal.
Fly preferred, but spinning allowed.