No Salmon to be killed on the FAA water
before the 15th May.
ON THE 25TH NOVEMBER 2014, the Scottish Government passed into law the banning of retaining ANY Salmon from opening day up to and including the 31st of March annually. All Salmon must be returned to the water alive or dead with no exceptions.
Any angler retaining a Salmon from the 11th February up to and including 31st March will face criminal proceedings and a life ban from the FAA.
The FDSF board have also implemented a ban on killing any Salmon from the 1st April up to and including the 14th May on ALL beats of the River Findhorn. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disciplinary measures as laid down by the Code of Conduct.
This permit is granted under the following provisos:
1] Return ALL fish caught up to and including the 14th May.
2] Visiting anglers must carry photo ID to match their permit.
3] Rod sharing is NOT permitted
4] Anglers must report catches to the club secretary (contact details included in confirmation)
5] Only 1 fish per day to be retained from the 15th May to the 30th September. Any fish kept must be less than 9lbs (4kg) If in doubt return it.
6] All fish less than 11” (28cm) must be returned.
7] This permit, tackle used or fish caught must be shown on request to any other permit holder, Banksman or River Bailiff.
8] a) All permit holders must fish in a sportsman like manner by moving down a pool using two steps between casts even if there are no other anglers present.
b) In the event of a pool being fished from either bank, no permit holder shall enter the pool directly in front of an angler already fishing but must start fishing at a marker and fish in accordance with rule 5a) above.
c) Fly fishers have the right of way over spinning anglers at all times.
9] Anglers are asked to keep wading to a minimum to avoid disturbance to fish.
10] Anglers are also asked to practice good catch and release techniques. Use nets and avoid handling where possible, fish must not be pulled onto banks in order to release them, always try to release them in the water. Small single or double hooks with the barbs pressed down are best for releasing fish.
11] The following breach the LAW and leave offenders open to criminal charges and a life ban from the FAA.
- The use of organic baits (worms, shrimps, prawns etc) on the river.
- Killing of Kelts, Rawners, Baggots, Gravid or unseasonal fish.
- Killing any foul hooked fish and the selling of fish.
- Fishing on Sunday or out with the Fishing Season.
- Poaching and fishing without the possession of written permission / permit.
- Taking or removing Salmon from the start of the season to the 1st April.
12] The following are the FAA rules that must be upheld by all permit holders. Any breaches should be reported in writing to the secretary. Disciplinary action will be as laid down in the Code of Conduct.
- Use of lead core lines, floats, boats or float tubes.
- Antisocial behaviour from whatever cause to any permit holder, member of the public, bailiff or official.
- Deliberate damage to river banks, fences, crops, shrubs, gates or huts.
- Excessive speeding on FAA access roads (15mph Max speed limit).
- Encroaching private water at Red Craig and Reserved water at Dalvey Lodge without permission.
- Lighting fires, littering, overnight parking on river banks, car parks etc.
Pool by Pool Conditions for FAA and Leased water:
Red Craig (A) – Spin to 30th April only. Fly all Season.
Stoney (A) - Spin to 30th April only. Fly all Season.
Newton (A) – Fly only all season.
Suspension (A) (A96) Bridge - Spin to 30th April only. Fly all Season.
Roadside (A) - Spin to 30th April only. Fly all Season.
Railway (A) - Spin to 30th April only. Fly all Season.
Broom (A) (above bridge) - Spin to 30th April only. Fly all Season. No high bank fishing allowed above marker #2.
Broom (L) (below bridge) – Fly only all season.
Sonnies (L) - Fly only all season.
Gordons (L) - Fly only all season.
Dump (L) - Fly only all season.
Meg (L) - Fly only all season.
Collins (A) - Spin to 30th April only. Fly all Season. No High Bank Fishing.
Antons (A) - Spin to 30th April only. Fly all Season. No High Bank Fishing.
Cloddy (L) - Fly only all season.
Sea Pool (L) – Fly only all season.
Skater - Spin to 30th April only. Fly all Season.
Moy Burn (above breach) – Fly, Spin and Worm all season.
All high banks require great care as they may well be undercut and unstable in nature which is out of the FAA’s remedial remit.
Junior Permit holders are banned from any high bank fishing.
(A) association (L) Leased Water Pools