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The FishPal site is visited daily by anglers and countryside lovers from across the UK and internationally.

Our audience includes some of the wealthiest countryside consumers in the UK.

Since the business was founded in 2003, we continue to work with brand leaders, magazines and production companies. FishPal are Scottish Tourism Award winners for Innovation in Tourism.

It's fair to say that we are the Go To fishing site for anglers visiting the UK to go fishing.

Website options

MPU (300x250) advert appears above the fold and can be placed across the site or within specific pages and rivers.

Monster MPU (300×600) Only available on Catches and River Levels pages. Also know as a half page unit this is a highly successful performing ad size.

Leaderboard (728x90) is predominantly placed above the fold at the top of the site, there are also sizes available at the bottom of some pages.

Mobile banner (300X50) or leaderboard is available when the site is viewed on a phone.

Classified advertising available for: 

Angling Club Waters
Fishing For Sale
Holiday Cottages
Stocked Trout Fisheries
Tackle Advice
Where to Eat
Where To Stay
Advertisement includes: Image, contact details including website, email links and a description of your business (45 words maximum for the description). We do not charge if you make amendments.

Classified advertisers can now add an advert into the FishPal newsletter onto their advertising. The weekly newsletter is sent out to a a minimum circulation of 24,000 anglers.

Email advertising

FishPal send out over 500,000 emails per month. For advert availability and prices please contact [email protected]

Email alerts: Daily for Latest Catches, River Levels, Rod Availability.

Newsletters: Sent weekly to over 27,000 customers. Advertising options include: sponsorship, banner adverts and advertorial.