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Soulseat Loch


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Soulseat Loch is a lovely 72 acre loch set in green farmland and trees not far from Stranraer. Situated at NX 100590, the loch can be easily accessed by taking the old military road which leaves the A75 just west of Castle Kennedy and heads towards Lochans. Within a km, you will reach the loch, situated on the left hand side of the road shortly after Loch Magillie. 

The water is stocked 4-5 times a year with hard fighting rainbow trout up to six pounds in weight. Overwintered fish are a bar of silver. This is a great water for the elderly and not so able as it is easy walking and wading, however wading is not necessary for the most part. 

A day ticket permits anglers to bank fish between Soulseat Loch and the four waters (Magillie, Dindinnie, Knockquassen and Penwhirn).


Max cannes à pêche/permis

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