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The Machermore beat is situated on the Lower Cree, within sight of the slopes of Cairnsmore of Fleet. The beat extends into tidal waters, which can be most beneficial in times of low water.

The main run of fish tends to be from late spring into summer and salmon/grilse can be plentiful at this time. Sea trout enter the river round about June and will provide excellent sport for the night fisherman.

The water at the top end of the beat, where the river's influence is strongest, has areas of fast run and riffle which can be productive. There are several named pools in this section including the Bridge Pool. Moving towards the tidal water, there are some excellent areas of fly water especially around Castlebank and Pots. Sauchs Pool (so-called due to the willows, or Sauchs in Scots, that line one side of the pool) is another area that does well, being more suited to spinners rather than the fly. Downstream of this section, there are a number of named pools including The Batteries. These pools are large areas of open water and spinning here is most likely to be productive.

The proprietor, Jonathan Haley, is always keen to give friendly advice and assistance and will show you the water before you begin fishing. Tuition can also be arranged.

Preferred flies include Munroe Killers, Stoats Tails, General Practitioners, Ally's Shrimp and Green Highlanders. Worming is permitted on this beat.

1.5 miles

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Saumon atlantique

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