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Loch Whinyeon


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Set in beautiful rugged surroundings and less than 15 minutes from Gatehouse of Fleet or Kirkcudbright is Loch Whinyeon. Hills covered in heather and plenty of wildlife this loch offers an escape into the wild countryside where you may find yourself fishing alone. Loch Whinyeon offers the prospect of catching wild brownies of up to 2lbs and offers a challenge as fishing can be difficult when the fish choose to ‘stay down’.

Whilst at the loch it is a great place for some rugged walking and to watch wildlife. You could see a red kite and may even be lucky enough to spot an osprey or possibly a golden eagle.

Fished only from the banks, this Loch can be fished using any method (other than using fish for live or dead baiting which is illegal). There is a bag limit of the first four fish caught and after you may continue to fish but must release all fish caught and use Barbless hooks. Juniors (under 16 years old) are welcome but must be accompanied by an experienced adult.

Équipements et informations


Pêche du dimanche




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