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Salmon & sea trout

Salmon and sea trout fishing in Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales starts and finishes at different times during the year.

England - The annual close season for salmon is 1st November to 31st January, except on the River Eden (including all tributaries and connected lakes and waters), where it is 15th October to 14th January.
England River rules from Government page are available here.

Wales - The salmon and sea trout season opens on the Wye and Usk on 1st February until 31st October. The River Dee March 3rd and closes on 17th October. All other Welsh rivers start March 20th and close October 17th. Sea trout commences on Dee April 1st to October 7th and all other rivers March 20th to October 17th. Natural resources Wales.

Ireland - Salmon fishing opens on January 1st on a handful of rivers and after that the remainder of rivers open on various dates in February, March, April and May. The majority of Irelands rivers close on September 30th but some rivers remain open for sea trout fishing to October 12th.
Angling in Ireland and Angling in Northern Ireland.

Scotland - The first river to open in Scotland is the Helmsdale, January 11th, and the first of the Scottish big four is the River Tay on January 15th. There is no fishing for salmon or sea trout on a Sunday. Below is a list of salmon seasons for Scottish Rivers. There are a number of other mandatory and voluntary conservation measures in place across Scotland. Importantly, this includes specific river categorisations in line with the Conservation of Salmon (Scotland) Regulations 2016. Please ensure that you are familiar with the broad statutory conservation measures for each district by consulting the list of rivers.
Fisheries Management Scotland list

*Click on links for specific regulations

River systemStartEnd
*Annan28 February15 November
*Avon11 February30 September
Awe11 February15 October
*Ayr11 February31 October
*Beauly11 February15 October
*Bladnoch11 February31 October
Borgie12 January30 September
Brora1 February15 October
Carron E. Ross11 January30 September
Carron W. Ross11 February31 October
Clyde11 February31 October
Connon26 January30 September
*Cree1 March14 October
*Dee1 February30 September
Deveron11 February31 October
Dionard11 February31 October
*Don11 February31 October
Doon11 February31 October
*Eden5 February31 October
*Esk (North)16 February31 October
*Esk (South)11 February31 October
*Findhorn11 February30 September
*Fleet1 May31 October
*Forth11 February31 October
*Hebrides1 February31 October
*Kirkcud'shire Dee11 February31 October
Helmsdale11 January30 September
*Luce25 February31 October
*Ness15 January15 October
*Nith25 February30 November
Oykel11 January30 September
Shin11 January30 September
*Spey11 February30 September
*Stinchar25 February31 October
*Tay15 January15 October
*Tweed1 February30 November
*Urr25 February30 November
Wick11 February31 October
Ythan11 February31 October

Brown trout

All Scottish river systems:
15 March to 6 October inclusive

Please note that some fisheries choose to remain closed until 1 April
