River Management
Fishery Management
The Wild Salmon and Sea Trout Tagging Scheme regulates salmon and sea trout fishing in Ireland and is administered by Inland Fisheries Ireland. Please note that the regulations and bye-laws are subject to change. Contact your local Inland Fisheries Ireland office for information on individual rivers.
All salmon rod licence holders must affix a gill tag to all retained salmon (any size), or sea trout (over 40 cm).
Please practice Catch & Release for the majority of the fish you catch. When moving between fisheries, always make sure to Check, Clean and Dry your equipment, to help stop the spread of invasive species. For more information see: Biosecurity pdf.
If you need to report illegal fishing or water pollution Call 0818 34 74 24.
Fishing regulations
Anglers are legally required to be in possession of a licence when fishing for salmon or sea trout. Licences can be purchased from a number of sources, including fishing tackle shops, IFI offices and some fisheries. This licence does not give permission to fish and a local permit is also required.
Salmon and sea trout anglers can use a wide range of methods including, bait, spinning and fly fishing to pursue their quarry. On rivers, the fishing is normally divided into beats managed by Inland Fisheries Ireland, private fisheries or local angling clubs. Lake fishing is normally from a boat in the company of a guide or ghillie.
Salmon fishing opens on January 1 on a handful of rivers and after that the remainder of rivers open on various dates in February, March, April and May. The majority of rivers close on September 30th but some rivers remain open for sea trout fishing to October 12.
There is an angling bag limit and you should acquaint yourself with the local bye-laws for the water you are fishing at the IFI Regulations pages.
Beat conditions
Individual owners will also have their own individual conditions, such as the hours that fishing is allowed on that beat, what ghillies are provided (if any) and what fishing methods you can use.
FishPal booking conditions
This site uses the FishPal booking engine, you need to agree to FishPal's booking conditions
You will be given another opportunity to read all these conditions before doing any online booking, where you have to indicate your agreement to them. They will also be included in the joining instructions you are given when your booking has been completed.
Beat conditions
Individual owners will also have their own individual conditions, such as the hours that fishing is allowed on that beat, what ghillies are provided (if any) and what fishing methods you can use.
FishPal booking conditions
This site uses the FishPal booking engine, you need to agree to FishPal's booking conditions.
You will be given another opportunity to read all these conditions before doing any online booking, where you have to indicate your agreement to them. They will also be included in the joining instructions you are given when your booking has been completed.