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Agivey River

Churchtown Road
Churchtown Road
Churchtown Road
Ponte dell'Errigale
Ponte dell'Errigale
Ponte dell'Errigale
Ponte Cullycapple
Ponte Cullycapple
Ponte Cullycapple
Ponte Glasgort
Ponte Glasgort
Ponte Glasgort
valle errigale
valle errigale
valle errigale

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The Agivey River drains the north eastern end of the Sperrin Mountains, flowing into the Lower Bann at Aghadowey. It is probably one of the best medium sized salmon and grilse rivers in Ireland, a fact partly due to the extensive management and enhancement of the river by the local angler association, which has resulted in the formation of some ideal habitat and angling stretches. They have also tried to boost salmon numbers through the use of their own hatchery, which releases many thousands of juvenile fish each year.

Salmon start to run the river from May onwards, and numbers peak towards the end of August, depending, of course, on water flows.

September can also be productive month. In addition to salmon, the river and particularly its tributary the Wee Agivey, also hold an excellent head of resident brown trout which will give an angler exciting dry fly sport throughout the season. 

Cressabelle has exclusive visitor rods available each day which may be booked on the Availability link.   

Ticket price DOES NOT include local regulatory rod licences and permits however as distributors for all regulatory bodies and they can facilitate this for you prior to your arrival.

You will have access to fishing on the river and details will be provided on river rules and regulations you will be expected to follow.  Please ensure your equipment is appropriately sterilised and complete the declaration form prior to arrival.

A location map will be provided.  All waters are shared with local anglers attached to clubs and associations.

An angling river guide is advisable for this fishery, please request information via email.  Options include a 2 hr river guide, a full day or half day angling guide (1 guide for up to 3 people).

The angling guide is recommended for inexperienced anglers or anglers new to river fishing.  The river guide is recommended for anglers who have not been on this river previously, they have local fishing knowledge to get you started.

Cressabelle will endeavour to assist you to meet all the requirements.  

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Trota di mare

Salmone atlantico



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