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The Kirwaugh beat is set in and around the conservation village of Bladnoch. The beat is partially tidal and is known for its fresh fish. During low water the beat provides some of the best salmon fishing on the river.

The main run of grilse tends to be from the end of June onwards and from this point numbers will increase until the end of the season. Spring salmon are caught at Kirwaugh, especially in the Linghar Pool upstream of the bridge which used to be netted for its spring fish in the past.

The beat boasts a total of seven pools. Fishing above Kirwaugh weir is best in low water, although fish lie throughout the beat when the water is slightly higher. On a high tide, fish are able to ascend past the weir. In higher water the Linghar Pool can be productive. Further upstream, fish are often caught in the Rock Pool.

The beat is accessed easily by a hard track, which leads to riverside parking. From here there is a good walkway alongside the river or alternatively through the wood to reach the Weir & Rocky Pool.

Angler-friendly accommodation and meals are available close by from the Bladnoch Inn, where there is a WC for the use of anglers fishing the beat.

The beat is a popular spinning water (in particular Rapalas and Flying Cs), although worming (between May & end of September) and fly can also be used.

2 miles
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