River Management
Esk District Salmon Fishery Board
Fishery Boards are the statutory body with responsibility for the management of salmon and sea trout stocks.
General powers and duties of fishery boards
A District Salmon Fishery Board may do such acts, execute such works and incur such expenses as may appear to them expedient for:
• The protection or improvement of the fisheries within their district
• The increase of salmon or
• The stocking of the waters of the district with salmon
A district board shall have the powers and duties conferred on them -
(a) Under the 2003 Act
(b) By any other enactment of a district board within the meaning of the Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Acts 1862-1868
Contact details
Chairman: Hugh Campbell Adamson
Email: Email Us
Clerk: Dr Craig MacIntyre
Email: Email Us
Steve Hawkins, tel: 07810837914
Esk Rivers and Fisheries Trust
The Esk Rivers and Fisheries Trust (ERFT) is a Limited Company (314730) first registered in 2006 with charitable status (SCO37764) granted in 2007. It became operational in May 2008 with the appointment of Dr Marshall M Halliday as the Trust Director under the Chairmanship of Tom Sampson.
Our Aims
• To advance for public benefit environmental protection and improvement by conserving and enhancing all species of freshwater fish and their environments primarily but not limited to the inland and coastal waters of the rivers and their tributaries listed above.
• To advance the education of the public and any other association, company, local authority, administration or governmental body or representative body in:
- The understanding of aquatic ecosystems, including their flora and economic or social activity, and river catchment management.
- The need for, and the benefits of, protection, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the aquatic environment.
Our Core Planning Objectives
• Ensuring that all planning decisions comply with relevant legislation and support the designations of all areas within the catchments.
• Recognising that rivers are dynamic and ensure as far as practicable that natural processes are permitted to operate. However, where man-made changes have occurred, remedial action may involve engineering Compliance with ASFB/RAFTS objectives.
• Ensuring that exploitation of all fish stocks is sustainable and to ensure that exploitation by mixed stock fisheries does not threaten stock status.
• Identifying environmental issues detrimental to the aquatic environment and where possible/appropriate establish restorative measures.
• Involving all stakeholders in the planning process, including relevant university departments and other research institutes to restore the potential for natural processes to dominate.
• Adopting a precautionary approach where there is insufficient scientific information available to determine the nature and extent of adverse trends.
• Accepting socio-economic principles in the management of the resource but where there are potential conflicting management objectives/practices to discuss and seek understanding and compromise where possible.
• Encouraging the involvement of institutions in the evaluation of the catchment and its ecology.
• Consulting widely and invite comment and opinion on all matters within the planning context.
• Adopting the advice of national and international bodies (e.g. EU and NASCO) relating to fisheries management.
• Supporting the social and stewardship issues outlined in the Strategic Framework for Scottish Freshwater Fisheries.
• Ensuring that exploitation of fish stocks is sustainable and in accordance with sound management practice.
The work of the Trust depends on its ability to raise funds to fulfil its aims and objectives for the rivers within the Esk District. There are a number of funding opportunities for some projects which the Trust have initiated. However, we require funds to develop our work and hope that anglers will support the work of the Trust. It will be largely through your support that we will be able to ensure that the rivers within the District are developed to the highest sustainable standards.
More details of the worl of the Esk Riverts and Fisheries Trust can be found at its website.