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Semeil Farm

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Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil
Granja Semeil

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Visión general

The Semeil Farm Fishings run for approximately 1.5 miles on both banks from The Bridge of Newe just below Strathdon to the road bridge over the river. It carries on for another 0.25 miles on the north bank up to the weir at Strathdon.

This delightful stretch of water is easily accessed with just a short walk required in most places to reach the clearly defined pools which are subtly managed to allow access where required without being manicured.

Semeil Farm Fishings provide a good variety of water for both trout & salmon anglers with everything from shallow riffles to smooth glides and deep eddying pots that provide some of the best holding water on the upper river.

Given mild conditions and a wet spring, salmon can be present in small numbers from late May with the bulk of the fish arriving from late July through to the end of the season. The most productive salmon pools are the Rumbling Pot, Doctor Pool, The Deskry Pool and Long Pool, Corner Pool, followed by the New Pool.

Trout fishing can be slow to start following a cold winter but given mild conditions it can be excellent from opening day with the best of the fishing being from April through until mid June when prolific insect hatches bring hungry trout to the surface.

The varied pools, riffles & glides provide excellent habitat for many different insect species, expect to see March Browns, Large Dark Olives, Brook Duns, Olive Uprights, BWOs, Iron Blues and several different species of caddis and stonefly, dry fly fishing can be spectacular at times.

Semeil Fishing's offer affordable salmon fishing with easy fished water, in a lovely part of Scotland, with the chance to see and perhaps catch one of the large wild Brown Trout weight over six pounds.

Photographs of fish caught, their length and weight, ambient conditions and fly used are always welcome.

Por qué necesitas pescar aquí

Semeil Farm Fishings provide a good variety of water for both trout & salmon anglers with everything from shallow riffles to smooth glides and deep eddying pots that provide some of the best holding water on the upper river.


Owners update:-

The 2010 season was the best for the Semeil farm beat since buying the fishing in 1985. This is partly due to the extra fishing on the beat since the farm entered into the FishPal website.

One angler hooked ten salmon in one day landing nine of these fish the largest fish of these was 16 pounds. This gentleman was also catching fish in parts of the beat that is hardly fished, the high water levels had spread the fish more than usual.

I have noticed over the years that if the fish are there they will take I can always see a salmon move to a well stripped fly in Rumbling Pot also known at the Red Heugh. Its a lovely pool to fish as the fish just appear out of the deep and chase the fly, I once had five fish chase the fly hooking one only to lose as it went deep and went round a old tree trunk. I later dived down and found the pool was 15ft deep and ledged salmon could be seen lying close to these ledges.

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