The Kildrummy Inn presides over what many consider prime trout water on the Aberdeenshire Don. All I know are my visits to this part of the world seem all too infrequent and brief! Clapping eyes on the Kildrummy beat takes me back to previous trips and encounters with truly magnificent trout.
In fact, our recent foray with Fly Odyssey UK highlighted just how special this stretch is. Obviously, we’d missed the spring carnival of Large Darks and March Browns, but flurries of Olive Uprights brought some of the Don’s inhabitants out of hiding. Despite a nagging breeze, even when the chips were down we managed to tempt some notable trout on a size a 14 CdC olive creation.
As for Kildrummy Inn, fisher folk will struggle to resist the award winning food and fine wine selection offered by hosts Dave Littlewood (head chef) and Nigel Hake (front of house). That said this is a fishing establishment where they’re more than happy to work round visiting anglers movements. Dinner then needn’t be at 8pm sharp, so definitely a spot for those who enjoy a fishing break in relaxed surroundings with the realistic chance of a glass case specimen.