Robson Green and James Murray will be opening the River Tay.
The official opening ceremony of the River Tay salmon fishing season will take place at Meikleour on Saturday 15 January. The opening is hosted by Meikleour Fishings and the Tay District Salmon Fisheries Board.
In contrast to previous years, the opening will not be a public affair, given Covid guidance. The event will be scaled-down and limited to some 36 pre-booked anglers together with a handful of Meikleour Estate and Board representatives in attendance. It will still be an attractive visual spectacle.
The opening day honours will be performed by actor and presenter Robson Green and actor Jim Murray. They will make the first casts of the season after “popping” a magnum of Pol Roger Champagne.
Meikleour Fishing have reduced the number of attendees to ensure social distancing can be easily maintained. A limited number of rods have been offered to anglers who attended the opening before Covid-19, and all rods have now been taken.
The opening will be streamed live across social media to the general public from 9.00am.
Anglers wishing to fish the river in 2022 you can find all the latest availability on FishTay .