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We asked Phil Adams from the Northumberland Branch of the Salmon & Trout Conservation to write a few words about how he now takes photographs of the fish he catches. 

“It is straightforward to take excellent pictures when fishing with another angler, or even an onlooker, without stressing the fish. Of course you should follow the advice and keep the fish in or just above the water, handling them for the minimum time and supporting them appropriately.20989291_1933189296951598_2861962589783961465_o

However when you are alone this is more challenging. I surprised myself by the success I had last season holding the salmon by the tail, the whole fish in the water, and pointing the camera along the fish’s body, from head to tail. (I do have quite long arms!) Clearly I had to hope the fish was framed reasonably: I managed successfully on more than one occasion. Perhaps the best example is attached. I thought it may be worthwhile sharing what I considered a success with others, as I thought it was unlikely to work, but it did!”20121240_1916055981998263_6782584581847386607_o-1

We would like to politely remind you that if you are out fishing please remember that the fish remain in the river for many months before spawning. Please treat them with the utmost care when returning them to continue their journey.