1) ALL anglers are required to possess a valid rod licence. Strict enforcement is regularly conducted at Bywell, and failure to possess a valid licence may result in a substantial fine. To obtain or renew your licence, kindly visit:www.gov.uk/fishing-licences
2) Safety is paramount during your fishing experience. Ensure you wear appropriate safety clothing, including glasses and a hat, at all times while casting. Dressing suitably for the weather conditions is also strongly advised.
3) Fishermen should meet their Ghillie at 9.00am at Millers Hut on the 1st day, and thereafter, by arrangement with the Ghillie. The Ghillie will finish work at 5.00 pm, but guests may continue to fish thereafter, subject to making proper arrangements with the Ghillie in relation to nighttime beat allocation, locking Millers Hut and gates, and other relevant issues. The Ghillie reserves the right to prohibit night time fishing for Health and Safety reasons (i.e. high water etc).
4) If you've had an enjoyable day by the river, expressing your gratitude with a thank you to the ghillie and a tip would be greatly appreciated. The amount is at your discretion but is immensely valued. For guidance on tipping, feel free to contact Bywell Salmon Fishing directly.
5) Be vigilant about potential hazards during your fishing expedition:
Exercise caution around electric and telephone wires, as fishing rods can conduct electricity.
Additionally, fishing in freshwater carries a risk of contracting Weil’s disease. Take preventive measures by regularly washing your hands, treating wounds promptly, wearing appropriate clothing, and showering after fishing.
Check for ticks after your session and use a tick removal tool if necessary.
Life jackets are available in Millers Hut, and their use is mandatory for individuals under 18. Wading staffs must be used at all times.
6) Catch and release policies are in place for salmon caught prior to the 16th June and sea trout caught prior to the 3rd April. After these dates, Bywell Salmon Fishing kindly request that you consider releasing the fish. If you wish to take a fish home, consult your Ghillie or contact Bywell Salmon Fishing for guidance.
Catch and Release Guidelines: Always be aware of safe places to land a fish, keep the fish in the water, and avoid dragging it up the bank before release. Minimise handling time, keep the fish wet, avoid squeezing, and use barbless hooks. If a hook is too deep, cut the line as near to the hook as possible. Support the fish in the water before releasing and ensure it recovers before letting it go.
7) While the beat is primarily intended for fly fishing, spinning is permitted in designated pools with the Ghillie's approval. When spinning is allowed, restrict bait types to one treble hook only. The Ghillie may authorise spinning when the water level is 2'6" or higher.
8) Dogs are welcome, but must be kept under close control at all times. Park your vehicles only in designated parking areas.
9) ALL rods are required to hold suitable third-party insurance cover to indemnify them in case of any competent claim during their fishing period.
10) If you break any 'Bywell Salmon Fishing' gear, including nets, staffs, rods, reels, or waders, a charge of £50 per item will be applicable.
11) They ask all tenants and guests to observe the Country Code at all times; no fires shall be lit other than in the fishing hut stoves, no litter shall be left in or around the fishing huts or on river banks. If you stay later than the ghillie please make sure you lock Millers Hut and all gates (Megs Mill, Millers Hut & Fish Pass) on your way out.
12) All anglers acknowledge that fishing is undertaken at their own risk, and Bywell Salmon Fishing and its employees will not be liable for any loss or damage, including fishing equipment or personal items left overnight in the hut.