Througout the year, UAAA offer fishing on the Upper Annandale Beat and Applegarth Beat with (depending on season) salmon & sea trout permits (all species), brown trout permits and grayling permits. pernits are available as both season permits and day permits. Please read and be clear on the beat rules before purchasing a permit and before commencing fishing.
1. SALMON SEASON – 25th February to 15th November.
2. SEA TROUT SEASON - 1st April to 15th September.
3. SALMON & SEA TROUT FISHING – 100% catch & release.
4. FLY FISHING allowed at all times.
5. FLY ONLY from Millhousebridge to Fishbeck Burn (left bank) and River Kinnel (right bank) until 15th September except during spinning conditions (see below).
6. SPINNING is allowed ONLY allowed when the river is 1 foot 6 inch or above on the Woodfoot SEPA Gauge at 8am on the morning of fishing.
7. WORM FISHING from 1st May to 15th September at any height of water EXCEPT in the fly only section (see above). From 16th September to 15th November worm fishing is allowed throughout the beat at any height. From 16th September to 15th November the MINIMUM hook size is 4 (to protect trout and juvenile fish stocks.)
8. NIGHT FISHING is allowed for sea trout fishing between 1st April and 15th September. Day permits are valid until 6am next day (Midnight on Saturday) during this period. Night fishing is FLY ONLY.
9. SUNDAY FISHING is ILLEGAL in Scotland for Salmon and Sea Trout.
10. Anglers MUST be in possession of and carry their permit at all times and show it to authorised Annan DSFB bailiffs, club bailiffs and other season permit holders when requested.
1. BROWN TROUT SEASON - 1st April to 15th September.
2. BROWN TROUT FISHING - 100% catch & release.
3. FLY ONLY for brown trout fishing.
4. SINGLE hook flies only (NO tandems, doubles or trebles for trout fishing).
5. MAXIMUM breaking strain of line for trout fishing is 5lb.
6. NIGHT FISHING is allowed between 1st April and 15th September. Day permits are valid until 6am next day (Midnight on Saturday) during this period.
7. SUNDAY fishing for brown trout is allowed.
8. Anglers MUST be in possession of and carry their permit at all times and show it to authorised Annan DSFB bailiffs, club bailiffs and other season permit holders when requested.
1. WINTER GRAYLING SEASON – 16th November to 31st March. Grayling fishing is also ALLOWED during the salmon, sea trout and trout season using a trout or all species ticket (FLY ONLY for grayling during this time). It is advised to NOT fish for grayling during April, May and June to allow for spawning and recovery.
2. GRAYLING FISHING - 100% catch & release.
3. FLY FISHING at all times.
4. FLOAT FISHING with worm or maggot is allowed. (ONLY during the winter grayling season).
5. MAXIMUM hook size for winter grayling fishing with bait is size 12.
6. MAXIMUM breaking strain of line for winter grayling fishing is 5lb.
7. SUNDAY fishing for grayling is allowed.
8. Anglers MUST be in possession of and carry their permit at all times and show it to authorised Annan DSFB, club bailiffs and other season permit holders when requested.
There is NO camping allowed on the UAAA beats and ALL rubbish must be taken away at the end of fishing.
Failure to adhere to the above rules may result in removal from the fishery and/or a ban on fishing the association beats by the UAAA.