General Conditions
1. Fishing is by fly only, spinning or bait fishing are not permitted.
2. No fishing on Sundays.
3. Season: 1st February to end of October for salmon & Sea Trout. 15th March to 30th September for brown trout.
4. Anglers must carry a permit when fishing and it,as well as fish and tackle, must be exhibited to any Water Bailiff, Police Officer, Keeper, River Watcher, or any authorised person, including members of the Association on application.
5. All parr, smolts, coloured fish, kelts and grayling must be carefully returned.
6. Permit holders must respect fences and property being passed over, shut gates, and park sensibly as heavy farm machinery will be using the roads. Do not light fires, take dogs onto the waterside or interfere with any farm animals game.
7. Suspected pollution or poaching must be reported without delay to the Secretary.
8. Only Resident season permit holders are entitled to vote at the Associations AGM held in early January in Berwick (see FaceBook page for details). This permit must be produced at the AGM for voting purposes.
9. Salmon are catch & return all season and sea trout may be retained after April 1st. Please refer to revised tweed rules2025.
10. After killing a migratory fish, the angler can continue fishing for migratory fish catch and release with barbless hooks.
11. BY LAW the catching of any salmon or sea trout must be reported to the Secretary either by post, telephone or email within one week of the catch date. The following information is required: Species, catch date, beat number and whether the fish was killed or returned.
12. Permit holders must observe the following:- (a) Only two anglers anglers are permitted to fish a pool a pool at ANY ONE TIME. (b) Do not start fishing fishing in front of another angler. (c) Keep moving down the pool when others are waiting to fish behind you. (d) If you wish to fish the pool again, come out of the water and take your turn at the head of the pool. Brown Trout Conditions.
13. For conservation reasons, anglers are encouraged to return all brown trout, brown trout under 9 inches and over 12 inches MUST be returned. Specimen trout over 22 inches may be taken as part of the two fish limit. Brown trout must be measured from the nose to the V in the tail. No more than TWO brown trout may be taken in a day.
14. Extent of Association water for brown trout: - Canty’s Bridge to approx ½ mile above Allanton bridge, excluding Edington Mill stretch from footpath above the Cauld down to the mill lade. Hutton Bridge up to the Cliff above Duncan’s Mill stretch south bank only. Please refer to the current map.
15. Brown trout fishing is only allowed after the 1st of June on Gainslaw Hill Stretch between Canty’s Bridge up to the the Cauld, South bank only. Anglers must sign a declaration stating that they have satisfied the conditions relating to the prevention of spread of the parasite Gryrodactylus Salaris given in the in the current Tweed Angling Code.