Your Board remains extremely concerned over fragile levels of fish stocks in the river and in particular spring salmon and sea trout. Anglers are asked, therefore, to observe the following statutory regulations and guidelines throughout the season:
Salmon & Grilse (Feb 11 th to 31st Oct (Inclusive).
1. All salmon and grilse to be returned safely throughout the season. It is illegal to take any salmon (dead or alive) from 11th February to 31st March (inclusive) each year.
Sea Trout (Feb 11th to 31st Oct (Inclusive). 2. All sea trout (including Finnock) to be returned safely throughout the season.
Brown Trout (15th Mar to 6th Oct (Inclusive). 3. All Brown Trout under 10 inches in length to be returned safely. No more than 4 brown trout per rod per week to be retained. All fish should be played quickly and retained in the water whilst hook is removed. The board recommends cease fishing altogether when river temperatures exceed 18°C. Injured or damaged fish outwith the above limits must be handed to the proprietor. On the beats where spinning is permitted; all lures should have one single set of hooks with a maximum size 4 crimped or barbless.
NO WORM FISHING. It is illegal to fish without legal right or written permission from the beat owner or representative. It is illegal to kill unclean or unseasonable fish (baggots, gravid fish, kelts). It is illegal to sell or buy wild salmon roe. It is illegal to attempt to deliberately foul-hook fish. Only knotless landing nets to be used – it is illegal to use gaffs or tailers. It is illegal to fish with prawns, shrimps or salmon roe throughout the catchment and throughout the year. Fishing for salmon and/or sea trout on a Sunday is prohibited. Anglers are reminded that it is illegal to sell rod caught salmon or sea trout. All farmed salmon and pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) must be retained and notified to the RDevDSFB.
All visiting anglers must read, act upon and sign a Gyrodactylus salaris declaration form immediately prior to going fishing. If disinfectant is required, please contact RDevDSFB Office or your beat Ghillie/Manager/Agent