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River Mourne Reports

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End of season report: It was quiet start to August on the estate waters, huge numbers of fish reported in each pool but they just were not playing ball, the August Blues. Notable Catches were two good brace by firstly John Irvine on Lisnagirk on the 4th, 7 & 8lbs and Brendan Garland on the 8th 10 & 7lbs from the Snaa. Brendan also picking up a further brace on the 14th of 5 & 6lbs. Fish were caught most days, but it was quiet for the head of fish that were in the river, which saw exceptional numbers in June and July. 

September started much like August, but when finally the frostier weather came in on the third week we saw better results. Notable catches on the 21st, firstly Guest rod Richard Semple had a lovely brace of fish from the Blackstone in the morning 11lbs and 8lbs and Larry Swire had three in the evening from Carnaquinn all around the 5lbs mark. Larry followed this up the following day with two crackers from the Blackstone on 10lbs and 14lbs. Good numbers of fish were caught during the remainder of September.

October has been quiet, more to do with little rod pressure than lack of fish. Huge numbers of fish being reported across the Mourne and Strule. However for those anglers that did venture out the majority were not disappointed and most managed a fish. Some catches of note, was first time Salmon Angler Ryan Lusk managed to land a brace of fish on the afternoon of the 6th, after only having learnt to fly cast that morning, 8lbs and 4lbs respectively. Another first was Alexander Hamiliton landing his first Irish Salmon on the fly on the 14th around 8lbs. Gabriel Trainor had an exceptional day on Carnaquinn the same day landing 6 fish to 9lbs and loosing as many more. 


The Baronscourt Fishery was recently included in the much loved TV programme '𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞, 𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠‘, which is available on the BBC iPlayer, episode 2 of the currently airing 7th series. The guys experienced a very successful days fishing on our wonderful beats on the river Mourne.

Overall we are pleased to say it was an exceptional year on the Abercorn Estates water with well over 200 salmon landed on the beats.

Earlier reports: One rod Mr Trainer had 6 fish yesterday on Carnaquinn, Abercorn Estates and one rod Mr Swire had 6 fish on Mulvin. An 8lber was caught in Snaa. The river is still producing plenty of fish.

Previous news: It has been an excellent year so far on the Abercorn Estate beats on the river Mourne. The Grilse began running on the 25th and 26th June. Notable catches included Jarlath Winters had 4 grilse on the 26th al around 5/6lbs, Joe Hutton had 4 on the 30th each around 4/5lbs, Gordon Wilson had 5 off the Snaa to 8lbs on the 1st of July and Brendan Garland had 4 to 7lbs. Charles Ainsworth and Joe Early each had brace of Grilse around 7lbs each on the 2nd July. Brendan Garland had a further 3 fish to 7lbs and John Irvine had 2 fish on the 5th. Brian Henderson had 2 grilse from the Blackstone on the 5th to 8lbs.


It was the Dukes of Abercorn’s 90th Birthday on July 1st which was celebrated on the estate on the 4th July. The following day (5th) his Son, Lord Jamie Hamiliton had 2 fish to 8lbs and his grandson Claude Hamiliton had 3 fish to the net, the 2nd of which was a fantastic sea liced grilse of about 10lbs in a memorable day's fishing to mark the occasion.


James Hamiliton Stubber had two fish to 6lbs on the 6th. Brendan Winters had two to 8lbs on the 8th July and Charles Ainsworth had a memorable day with 5 fish to 11lbs on the 9th. Mark Ashburton and John Irvine had a brace of fish each on the 12th July. A huge run of salmon came into the Mourne on the 12th and 13th of July. On Saturday 13th July Brendan Garland had a fantastic morning landing 7 fish on the Snaa.


John Irvine had 3 fish both on the 22nd in Carnaquinn to 9lbs and on the Halfwater on the 24th to 8lbs. Brendan Garland had 3 fish to 8lbs on the 23rd July and Gordon Wilson had 3 fish on the Snaa on the 25th July to 8lbs. Charles Ainsworth had 2 to 8lbs on the 27th. Loads of anglers had fish during July which has been one of our best runs in recent years.


August has been a quieter month with weather conditions being less favourable due to the amount of rain we have experienced and the fishing went a wee bit dour.


Notable catches during August were as follows. Guest rods, Father and son Nick and Kit Patrick had an excellent start to August landing 5 fish over the opening 3 days of the month, Kit catching 3 fish on his first outing fly fishing for Salmon. Brendan Winters had a brace of fish to 9.5lbs on the 3rd August and his brother Jarlath had one that evening of 8lbs. Brendan Garland had a brace of fish on the 14th August to 6lbs.


The Abercorn Estate beats have fished extremely well in the early part of the year and there has been probably 160-170 salmon already recorded for the year so far.