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Netherdon (ADAA)


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The ADAA Netherdon fishing’s is the first beat of any significance on the River Don. It stretches from the end of The Cruives Fishing’s and starts adjacent to Seaton Park and can be fished both banks from its start to the river mouth at the sea and although tidal, the beat has some fine fishing throughout the season.

Given low water conditions especially during the Months of June/July and August and even the backend in low water, it can see fresh fish in the beats pools off every tide.

The best times to fish are usually 2 hours before low tide and 2 hours after tide turns.

The Lavatory Pool

The first Pool on the beat is the Lavatory Pool, given its name for its obvious close proximity to the Seaton Park Toilets.

This pool very fast flowing boulder strewn pool at its head then tails into lovely deep slow pool which hugs the south side against the high banked wall.

The head of the pool can be fished from the south side but this pool is best fished from the Bridge of Don side if you access the water from Kettocks Mill Road.

This pool is very deep at all times of the season and quite fast so a sink tip is recommend to get down to the fish who lie just in the off the stream in the centre, right down to tail of the pool although the head of the pool does produce the odd sea-trout.

It is believed that this pool would produce the odd springer in low water conditions in the early season.

Netherdon Streams

The next pool is immediately down from the Lavatory Pool where there are few streamy runs for about 30yds and many grilse have been taken from behind these runs especially in late evening as sun goes down. This can be fished from both banks.

Kettocks Mill Pool (Whytes Dyke) Walkers Haugh

The Next pool is Walkers Haugh and probably the most productive pool on the beat. It has been called other names as above, as many years ago there was a Dyke that run along the top of the pool originally for use of the old Kettocks mill.

This pool is a long fast steamy pool that tails into deep slow moving water and fish can be caught from your first cast in the fast water till your last cast in the slower deep water, this pool can be fished on both banks and IThere have been a few nice fresh run salmon off it over the years, this pool also excels for sea-trout especially late evening tides in June/July.

Below the tail of the pool there is a small protruding rock island (Devils Rock) it also can produce fish and late summer and early autumn a large number of residents can be seen splashing around especially when long periods of low water.

The river now goes for next half mile through high banked rocky gully covered with overhanging trees, even in summer its hard to see any light hit the river and is virtually unfishable although there are a couple of bits if you like extreme fishing you can have a go.

The water here is very deep and slow and it is thought this is where many fish lie till the river is ready for them too run hence the theory why the Association catch so many coloured fish after a long spell of low water.


The River then re-appears at one of Scotland oldest bridges, the Bridge Of Balgownie, below the bridge a fine long fast streamy pool appears in low tide and this pool tails right down to the Ellon Road Bridge.

Most locals prefer to fish this pool about an hour after the tide turns this gives the rocks and boulders time to dry up as its very slippy straight after high tide, this pool is a great fly pool and sea-trout/Grilse again can be caught in any part of stream especially the tail above the bridge

Bridge Pool

This pool has vastly improved in the last few years as the river has cleaned up. At one time the smell and pollution in this area made it almost unfishable most days in summer, this has now changed.

This pool fished just below the main Ellon road bridge can be fished virtually all the way to the sea and in low water sea-trout come in and out with tide until conditions suit them too run, when fish take here they fight harder then any place in the river, fresh in off the tide and full of energy.

If your lucky to hook a salmon/Grilse they turn and head straight for sea so beware, fishing can also be had down as far as the river meets the sea, and depending on how the river mouth turns out after the big winter tides, there can be some nice streamy bits at low tide as it enters the Aberdeen Bay and the odd fish can be picked up.

Don’t forget the odd sea bass has been picked up here in recent years so well worth a try with the fly if you fancy something different.

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Sea trout

Atlantic salmon


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