Raemoir Trout Fishery was originally constructed as a private fishery and as a single loch of 2 acres in 1995. The following two years saw the addition of two further lochs before opening as a public trout fishery in 1997.
The fishery now comprises three lochs, making a water surface of six acres within a naturalised 11 acre site.
During 2005 timber platforms were added to the fly lochs to give better access, and sections of banking were reinforced with meshing and reseeded with a grass/ wildflower mix.
During 2006 the humble bothy was upgraded into a full size anglers' cabin with open glazing, plentiful seating, log-burning stove etc, and an adjoining toilet. Also during 2006 the beginners' bait pond underwent its second transformation, increasing to two and half times its original size, holding even more fish and allowing more young anglers to fish.
Facilities include anglers' cabin, wood burning stove, cooker, toilet, snacks & soft drinks for purchase. There is free tea & coffee, picnic tables, use of barbecue and equipment hire.
Otters are now a permanent feature at the fishery. Previously they had fished for a while and then moved on, but they are now resident all year. Evidence of their activities, with fish scales or part eaten trout on the embankments or island, can be spotted almost every day. If you look carefully, you will see the well trodden tracks from the marsh into the bottom loch, and territory marking scats on grass tussocks. After snowfall in the winter, their slides down the banks into the water are very obvious. Otters are intelligent mammals, and the easy pickings at Raemoir give them lots of time to enjoy their favourite winter sport.
Their residency costs the fishery an average of two fish per night throughout the year, higher of course in the summer months when they are rearing cubs. The Fishery are tolerant of the losses in that the fishery are fortunate to live in an area with such diversity of wildlife.
Strangely, there are no osprey territories in the immediate area, but sightings of fish eagles in early spring on migration back from over-wintering in Africa can be seen.
The heron is a regular fisher, but contrary to belief, never seems to catch a trout, preferring to spend time in the margins, picking off the sticklebacks one after another. A case of "mony a mickle maks a muckle". They change tactics in July, moving into the long grass and picking off the newly emerged froglets and toadlets . Plenty to go around, they emerge from the fishery lochs in their thousands.
The fishery is a main breeding site for toads and frogs. In May & June the loch edges can be black with many thousands of tadpoles. The adjacent reedbeds are a major roost for swallows, starling, finches and buntings in the autumn.
Want to start fishing but don't know how?
Raemoir is highly suited to accommodate beginners new to angling who want to find out if fishing is for them. The fishery provides both bait pond and fly fishing ponds, where suitable bait and equipment is available for hire at very reasonable rates. It's also a great venue for parents to bring their children for a day's fun activity during holiday periods and at weekends.