Crathie Fishings hope you will enjoy your fishing at Invercauld and these rules are drawn up to ensure your safety, to protect the environment we all enjoy so much and to preserve the stocks of Atlantic Salmon.
Fishing the River Dee can involve an element of risk and therefore we strongly recommend that all anglers wear a floatation vest. Persons who fail to wear a vest will not be barred from fishing but will understand that Invercauld Estates and other parties involved in the administration of the fishing will be free from liability for any accident resulting from their failure to do so. Anglers are reminded that riverbanks can be rough and slippery and we recommend the use of a wading stick and protective spectacles. Special care should be taken wading into deep water and where there are overhead power lines. Stop fishing during thunder and lightning. No fires should be lit and your ghillie will not allow those to fish who are considered to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, for their own safety.
The following guidelines are issued by the Dee District Salmon Fishing Board and the Dee Salmon Fishing Improvement Association:
1. All salmon and grilse should be released throughout the season.
2. All sea trout should be released.
3. Fly only and hooks should be barbless and preferably single iron. No trebles.
4. All fish must be returned to the river.
5. Finally if you have been fishing in Scandinavia or Russia it is essential to have all your fishing tackle cleaned before fishing in a British river. This is easily done, tell your ghillie. This is to avoid the spread of the parasite Gyrodactylus Salaris. The Scottish Office leaflet available from the Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, will give you more information. The email address for the laboratory and website details will be sent with your confirmation permit.